Freedom from Blog

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Who Are We Fighting?

Day after day, television news leads with reports about fierce US fighting in Iraq. On Haifa street in Baghdad last week, near Karbala this morning. These stories never even make a serious effort to identify who it is we are fighting. It is as if this information is irrelevant. Whoever we're fighting is "the enemy," and that's all we viewers need to know. It's Orwellian.

UPDATE: Note the third paragraph of this article. When print journalists have inquired with "Iraqi security officials" into the identity of the fighters outside Najaf, they've received "conflicting accounts." Some say we're fighting Arab nationalists; others say members of the Baath party, members of an apocalyptic Shiite cult, or foreign fighters. No quotes from US military officials in the article. (Not that they have proven themselves trustworthy of late.) But does this mean that the US military won't go on the record explaining what they know of the identity of these fighters? Or does it mean that not even the US military has a good idea who is on the receiving end of its firepower?


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Number Three said...

This is why we need an army of robots, as discussed in the latest Harper's. (Really.) Because an army of robots doesn't need to know who the Enemy is, they just need to know where they are, and they will terminate them.

Of course, Frances isn't in the army. (Really.) So maybe we need a citizenry of robots. That would, of course, make recruiting an army of citizen-soldier robots much easier. And then the gov'mint wouldn't have to say who it is, exactly, we're fighting.


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