Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Busy Day

So the movers packed our stuff and loaded the truck today. So I'm sitting in an empty living room, watching a 13" tv (Saving Private Ryan on TNT). The echoes are strange--and here, I mean the actual echoes off the bare walls. Not echoes from the movie.

BTW, I should post on the London bombings. As a soon-to-be D.C. commuter, I am very concerned about the security of the Metro system. But watching Hardball tonight, Chris Matthews was interviewing someone, and Matthews suggested that people be frisked before getting on the Metro. Let me just say, if this ever happens to me, I will hunt Matthews down like a dog and use his blonde scalp as a doormat. Seriously.

Would terrorists really hit the Green line? Please no.

Finally, as a long-time liberal, let me dispel any notion that my "kind" are soft on actual terrorists. I say round-up these guys and put 'em away for life--or execute them, if you can arrest them in a country where that's allowed (like the U.S. of A.). Let me add here, I'm not opposed to the death penalty for terrorists. Not one bit.

Finally (really this time): I heard Matthews ask someone how you can prosecute criminals before the crime is committed. I want to be a guest on that show, to clear this up: It's called conspiracy, and it's used all the time in the real-world of criminal law enforcement. I know that it's not cool to say this, but the folks in the Justice Department can handle complex situations, and actually do so, all the time.


At 2:06 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Well after 2 years of denying any involvement by Karl Rove in the leak of Plame's identity as a CIA agent, we now (surprise!), find that he was involved. Of course Bush promised he would fire anyone at the White House if it were found that they "leaked Plame's name." Now they have no comment. I'm just betting that the key word here is *name*. Since Rove, it appears, didn't actually leak her name, Bush's promise doesn't apply.

And Bush is such a straight talkin' man....


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