Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Grooming a New Generation of Leaders (or, Sadists, and Racists, and Pedophiles, Oh My)

So many jokes, so little time. Where to begin? I guess you know it's been a bad week for the GOP when their shining moment--the one they hope you remember--is the legalization of torture and the shredding of habeas corpus. Thank God they're the party of "strict constructionism." I'd hate to see what those moral relativists, the "Democrats," would be doing to the Constitution right now. If they existed, that is. I suspect they're a myth, like Emmanuel Goldstein.

Don't be confused. I come not to bury Caesar but to praise him. In the interest of fairness and balance, I think it is time to give the GOP their due. Although it may be the case that most sadists, and racists, and pedophiles are Republicans, the converse is surely NOT true. I know several Republicans who are none of these things. I even suspect that some of their leaders, although flawed--like all mankind--are NOT all three of these things at once. For example, as I've often said, George Bush is not a racist. Also, I have seen no evidence that George "Macaca" Allen is a pedophile. So step off, bitch.

Really, if you think about it, there are plausible explanations for all of this week's bombshell revelations. George Allen used the "N-word" repeatedly, for years, in private and in public? I'm sure that he was just instructing others on the damaging power of words. He's a lawyer, isn't he? Or maybe he was offering a sly critique of racist meta-narratives by subverting the paradigm from within, reappropriating the language of their oppression by reimagining himself as a poor black ham-sandwich eating farmer and then confronting his white interlocutors with the terms of their callous indifference. It's post-modern. Duh!

Jack Abramoff had 485 contacts with the White House? Well, he's Jewish, right? A lobbyist for Native American tribes? He was just "genocide-counselling." The White House was invading a sovereign foreign nation, promoting democracy, and liberating its oil reserves. . . I mean, its freedom-loving hordes of huddled brown masses. Just the time for a little sensitivity training. Would "permanent bases" upset the native populations? Would naked dogpiles offend their religious sensibilities? Who better to articulate popular reservations and offer settlements?

And Mark Foley, Deputy GOP Whip, Ways & Means comm. member, Chair of the Caucus on Missing and Endangered Children? Pedophile, you say? Why, he was just engaging in a little "youth outreach." Grooming a new generation for the GOP, as it were. You liberal media types are always complaining about how the Republican Party is filled with rich, old, white guys. Well, how else do you expect them to recruit the old white guys of tommorow? Fogeys don't grow on trees you know. The children are our future. So what if he's not a parent? It takes a village, or something like that. That's also why the House leadership helped Foley out by keeping things quiet. This was a "pilot program," a "double-blind" study on teen susceptibility to peer pressure. Any early publicity could have undermined the objectivity of the research. Large scale public trials were coming later. You're not anti-science are you?

Finally, you chortle, Bob Woodward wrote a book. Condi Rice found out in June 2001 about 9/11 and blew it off. Rumsfeld went around shredding copies of a report calling for an end to torture. Bush was lazy, passive, indifferent, and confused. Yawn. Old news. There's nothing NEW here! We're only interested in NEW ideas. And NEW facts. Like, "Iraq is doing great," "Bush is a genius," and "Americans looove to be waterboarded for their liberal political beliefs." Remember, the GOP are "conservatives." Novelty is their middle name. You can't judge history in the moment. Only generations yet unborn can say whether we've won or lost in Iraq. So we better start seducing them now.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Well, the Republicans have lived comfortably with sadism and racism for years, so they'll wear those as if a badge of honor. The paedophilia -- correct that to homosexual paedophilia -- is in another league. Little or nothing upsets the religious right more than homosexuality (Sodom and Gomorrah and all). This is going to be damaging, especially given that the Republican leadership evidently knew about it, yet still let the guy serve on a committee to fight sexual predators. This is the sort of thing that will jolt some evangelicals into realizing that the Republicans are good at putting on white-wash exteriors and lamb's skins, but underneath there's tombs and wolves. The timing could not have been better.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger tenaciousmcd said...

I've been thinking about the issue of this being specifically GAY pedophilia, which has gotten some notice. Mrs. TMcD has asked, "would anyone really care if it were 16 year old girls?"

I think the answer to that is "yes, but." Yes, it would still be a scandal. But No, it wouldn't be nearly as FUNNY. Obviously, I don't think being gay made Foley inherently more likely to project his fantasies upon the young, unless, of course, the need to be closeted in order to pursue a political career stunted his sexual and emotional maturity in some way. I've seen that as a somewhat plausible explanation of the Catholic Church's recent and analogous troubles.

Yet, as Paul notes, Foley's being a gay pedophile is a huge blow to GOP conceptions of self and identity. It makes their moral hypocrisy much more self-evident, especially given the leadership's desire to sweep this under the rug. And it paints a dramatic picture by so thoroughly inverting expectations. Richard Simmons in a dress? Not funny. J. Edgar Hoover in a dress? FUNNY.

Objectively, this scandal is far less important than several dozen greater sins committed by this Congress (legalizing torture!). Sybolically, it's dynamite.


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