Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Can't Pass Without Comment

I've been on a two-day computer hiatus, for the most part, but this Friday column by David Broder cannot pass without comment. I've heard the same meme in a few other contexts: watch out for Bush comeback! The obligatory reference is Bill Clinton after the 1994 election.

Clinton, of course, wasn't bogged down in a failed war in 1995, and he wasn't pushing an escalation of any such failed war--an escalation opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American people. But details, details. (Broder does acknowledge this reality, toward the end of the column, although not in so many words.)

The media and the Washington establishment, including congressional Democrats, have been way behind the American people on the war and the Bush administration. The CW is that Bush's presidency isn't over, that there's a fourth act coming. But public opinion is fixated on the war, and the next act in that tragedy is not going to go Bush's way.


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