Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Monday, February 12, 2007

Do we expect more of Iran than we do of the US Military, FBI or our allies?

OK, so I'm making my weekly trek from AA to Cleveland, and I'm listening to an NPR report on this weekend's accusations by multiple quarters of the US brain trust that "the highest levels of the Iranian government" are knowingly supplying insurgents in Iraq with Iranian weapons that are responsible for killing American soldiers. As a part of the piece, NPR played a tape of Tony Snow's press conference today where he was asked about the accusation and whether the weapons could be smuggled there without government knowledge and he said "There's not a whole lot of freelancing in the Iranian government, especially when it comes to something like that." One NPR reporter even referred to this evidence as "compelling."

As soon as the story was over, without any sense of irony NPR then segued into a story about how the FBI can't keep track of its computers or weapons (click here to see MSNBC's blurb on this same story, which for some crazy reason focuses on the computers rather than the weapons). I also just did a Google search on the US military's ability to keep track of its weapons in Iraq, and guess what? They themselves are having trouble accounting for weapons.

But lest we think the US military is so singularly inefficient, it seems that several governments around the globe have had trouble keeping track of their weapons, such as Australia (I could have selected many other governments to highlight, but given Howard's comments on B.O. the last few days and because they've got soldiers in Iraq, I thought the Aussies deserved a spot light).

So let's get this straight. When the FBI, or US Military, or our allies lose their weapons, it's an accident or not officially sanctioned from the highest levels of government, but when miniscule amounts of Iranian arms end up in Iraq, it must be because "the highest levels of the Iranian government" are involved.



At 9:24 PM, Blogger Number Three said...

I don't have a hard-hitting comment, but "Bogus accusations of Iranian arms supplies to Iran" has to be the best tag/label for posts ever. I fear that we might be seeing that label again.


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