Freedom from Blog

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Footnote on Edwards

Remarking on John Edwards' quick walk back from brinksmanship on Iran, John Judis writes:

Matt Stoller, who dubs himself an Edwards supporter, takes pride in how the blogs and The American Prospect "walked back" Edwards from his hawkishness on Iran. I draw a different conclusion from this experience. Edwards continues to fly blind on foreign policy. He says whatever he thinks an audience wants to hear. It's not that he has a fairly definite foreign policy, but adjusts his views to audiences and the circumstances. He has none, zero.

Judis is right. Edwards always has been weak on foreign policy. He obviously cares far more about domestic issues, especially equality of opportunity. 2008 will probably not be a good year for a candidate this focused on domestic policy.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Frances said...

dk, I hope you're right that foreign policy issues (other than Iraq) won't figure in the 2008 debate. But I really do think the Iran confrontation is going to get more serious in the coming months. If so, Democrats (presidential candidates included) are going to have to figure out where they stand.

Obama really is an amazing phenomenon. It's uncanny how much excitement his candidacy generates.


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