Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Up and Coming Republicans

For the latest outing of an "up and coming" icon of the right, you gotta see this post by Max Blumenthal on Republican darling Matt Sanchez. Warning -- those who are squeamish about seeing photos of male porn stars with big membra virilia should not click on Blumenthal's links!

Sanchez, like Coulter, like Dinesh D'Souza... knows exactly what he is doing. As a member of a marginalized group, flatter the white male, Republican establishment, make outrageous claims while hiding behind your marginalized status, and laugh all the way to bank as a Republican porn star.

I advise Sanchez in his upcoming book to proclaim he's been cured of homosexuality and that he's found God and country. The Republicans eat up that kind of repentant fellatio.


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