Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm Thinking of a New Name for the Blog . . .

I like "Daily Kos." Just kidding. But that's essentially what "al-Qaeda in Iraq" achieved by naming itself that. There is no connection b/w "al-Qaeda in Iraq" and the actual al-Qaeda network that attacked the U.S. on 9-11. But what marketing!

The problem from a sane war policy perspective is that General Kristol and his ilk now argue that "we're fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq." That's their newest argument for staying the course. "We can't pull out--we're fighting al-Qaeda! What do you hippies want?" And it makes sense, unless you know that, um, there's no connection. (Kristol may be the most dishonest man alive . . . ?)

It's like naming your slow-pitch softball team the "New York Yankees" and then telling people that you played for the Yankees. (Except, of course, that your slow pitch team is much less lethal than "al-Qaeda in Iraq.")


At 9:56 AM, Blogger tenaciousmcd said...

To take a cue from Michael Savage, how about renaming the blog, "The Enemy Within"? "Praying for Defeat"? "Harry Hearts Hezbollah"? "Liberals, and Terrorists, and Bombs, Oh My"?

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Travis said...

I've got a name for you. It's in honor of the biggest name-pimping disaster of the twentieth century when some 1970s movie exec decided to name a second-rate, cliche-riden, semi-incoherent WWII flick "Force 10 from Navarone."
This was done expressly to link the crappy movie to the really fantastic "The Guns of Navarone," a 1961 film starring Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn and David Niven (that's right, David effing Niven).
(And it was surely done so Carl Weathers could always say "Yeah, I was in that Navarone movie. You know the one.")

Your blog should be called "The Bug of Navarone."

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Number Three said...

I'm not sure that folks understand that this post is about "al-Qaeda in Iraq" and not renaming the blog. I'm sticking with FFB.

But, btw, I REALLY like "Force Ten from Navarone." Harrison Ford, Robert Shaw, that British guy whose last name is Fox, Catherine Bach--in a bathtub--Richard Kiel, some good action scenes and plot twists. Plus, I always thought "The Guns of Navarone" was over-rated. And it has David Niven--in a WAR MOVIE. C'mon.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Travis said...


You like F10? Have you seen it lately?

I HATE Richard ("you know I'm a bad guy cause I called Carl Weathers 'blackie'")Kiel and I'm glad he died on Moonraker. And I hope you're not including the hooded irregulars (foreshadowing! foreshadowing!) in plot twists. Also, one of my pet peeves in war movies is bad guys getting killed "silently" with knives and arrows to the back or chest. There's a particularly silly scene in this one when a German is hit in the back with a knife and he dies both immediately and quietly.
The fact that Niven and Peck and Quinn - a cast of folks not usually seen in war movies - are in GON make it all the better in my opinion.
But I'll give you Catherine Bach.


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