Freedom from Blog

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why? What's the Cause of This Sour Mood?

The latest poll show Bush's approval ratings even lower than previous polls, 34%. Now, this kind of variation (one or two points) is not terribly meaningful, but it does indicate that these low numbers, generally, are getting at something. Bush is not very popular, right now.

My question is not why is Bush faring so poorly, but rather, why is everyone else, including the Democrats in Congress, faring so poorly in these polls?

Based on these polls, one would have to conclude that the mood in the country is quite sour at the present time.

But to be perfectly honest, I don't get that sense, not in my daily life. Now, I don't necessarily interact with John Q. Public and Mary Jane Mainstreet, but I watch television, read and skim magazines, etc. The corporate media aren't showing this, not, at least, the corporate media that I consume. The bloggers have been angry for years--really, the bloggers have been angry since they came into existence (qua bloggers, I mean; they may have been perfectly happy before then).

I mean, if I had to assign a cause, I would blame . . . the war in Iraq. But is that it?


At 5:31 AM, Blogger fronesis said...

I don't think the country's mood has changed, I think the mood of the right has changed. They can no longer manage the forced smile of support for Bush. Katrina, Harriet, Iraq, Scooter, it's all just too much. Bush now looks incompetent even to the right, and that brings the poll numbers down.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

There is very little uncertainty about Alito. I posit that if we were to examine historic approval rating data, we might discover that the country's mood correlates to the changing season.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger mikton said...

How do you explain:

At 10:37 AM, Blogger tenaciousmcd said...

The Dems had no chance to stop the Iraq War. They may be feckless, but that train's got no brakes. A GOP Prez with no real baggage yet, not far removed from 9-11, working with a GOP controlled Congress and GOP controlled courts, skillfully using the right-wing media and plants in the MSM to accuse any critics of being America-hating, terrorist-screwing "girlie men"? The American people always cut their Prez slack in times of crisis, and if you combine that with our ongoing Vietnam hangover and the slick Rove marketing-slandering machine, this was a fait accompli (yeah, that's French, bitch, to quote Colbert.)

The Dems hunkered down. It was pathetic, but they had no real alternatives. If they had stood up more forcefully, they would have lost by even bigger margins in 2002 and 2004, although they might look slightly better now, but with fewer reps to fight the fight. This idea that Dems are "just as much to blame" as the Bushies is frickin' nuts--an obvious piece of GOP spin that a lot of liberals get suckered into.


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