Freedom from Blog

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

People-Powered Politics

I wish that I could convince myself that B.O.'s amazing 1Q fundraising levels, especially his 100,000 contributors, signals that a real change is coming in American politics. But haven't we been here before? Back when B.O.'s name was Howard Dean?

That, at least, is one of the media memes I've been seeing. "B.O. is Howard Dean."

So, there it is. I'm waiting to see the Barack Obama is crazy stories start, or, maybe just more Barack Obama is all style no substance stories pushed by Drudge and his ilk (and the purveyors of High Broderism, a/k/a Guardians of the Establishment).


At 5:27 PM, Blogger mikton said...

Number 3, I have been meaning to say this for a while--what is up with you and BO? What has the guy done? Howard Dean has more experience than BO. I also don't get your support for BO when Gov. Richardson is out there!

Or at the very least Edwards! BO is 2008's trendy candidate-like Dean was in '04. Not to mention, BO is dishonest when he says he would not have voted for the war. If he was a senator who had hopes of being in the white house at the time of the Iraq voteā€“his vote would have been YEA!



At 7:09 PM, Blogger Number Three said...

Wow, a Mikton comment and a Richardson plug at the same time!

Those who remember the 2004 election know that I was an Edwards guy back then, and I'm still something of an Edwards guy. I have to say, however, that I have been flirting with the B.O. thing. (Definitely in the ABHRC camp.)

Nothing against Richardson, but is he a serious candidate?


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