Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Friday, December 15, 2006

Too Late for ISG

So, I lost that blogging mojo for a short while. Partly because I had a lot of difficulty trying to write a Graham's passing post, which I eventually determined was impossible, at this time. (Let me say that George's passing did affect me, deeply. But nothing that I feel all that comfortable sharing, right now.) And then there was so much going on, politically, that I didn't have time to focus on one target.

Oh, well. One of those targets is now, officially kaput. The ISG went from the frontpage to nowhere in just about a week. So I guess it's a good thing that I didn't waste my time posting on it.

Stupid f**king Washington Establishment. Bush is going to do what the f**k Bush wants to do, and he ain't gonna listen to Poppy, or Poppy's friends, and he's sure as hell not going to listen to a bipartisan panel. He doesn't listen to the generals--except the ambitious ones who will say what it takes to get promoted, or made Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. (How much of the "war planning" is done by bird colonels, do you think? Come up with the right answers, and there's a star in it for you, boys.) The man. Just. Doesn't. Listen.

Which must have made his faux listening tour last week really pleasant. I really like that most of the sessions lasted 45 minutes. Hell, I can't remember a meeting at my current or former or former former job that lasted only that long. And I haven't been running a war to end evil, or a global struggle against violent extremists, or a long war, or a global war on terror, or Crusade. Not to put too fine a point on it.

OK, that should put the last nail in the ISG coffin. It's one upside: It made it OK for D.C. types and media whores to actually address how shitty things are in Iraq. I guess that that is something. But it's not a change in policy.



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