Freedom from Blog

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

War Czar!

The White House has a new idea: "appoint a high-powered czar to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with authority to issue directions to the Pentagon, the State Department and other agencies."

Don't we already have a high-powered official with said powers? He's called the president. I've become so sick of hearing folks talk about the commander-in-chief and his (or her) powers in wartime . . . but I didn't think that the actual commander-in-chief would want to hang up his codpiece before the job is done.

The WaPo reports this as a story that the White House "has had trouble finding anyone able and willing to take the job." Well, no shit. But the real story here is that the president has decided--he is the Decider--that he doesn't want to be in charge anymore. I guess that the job really is "hard work." He's had enough. So he wants to find a retired four-star to be "war czar."


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Just boggles the mind. Does anyone over at the White House understand the historical implications of giving someone vast imperium over an army along with the title Czar, which is a Slavicized form of the word Caesar? And why would they want to pick a title that most recently has been associated with the brutal Russian monarchy?

As for your annoyance about hearing folks talk about "our" Commander-in-Chief, check out this piece. You're not alone.


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