Freedom from Blog

Don't call it a comeback . . . .

Monday, January 28, 2008

More Live-Blogging 2

9:31 pm. "The whim of the gavel." What is that, like flipping a coin?

9:29 pm. Stem cells, blah blah. Micro issues.

9:29 pm. The most dynamic nation on earth?

9:28 pm. "Global climate change." But no one gets a "free ride."

9:26 pm. Clean coal! Waiting for "switch grass." Waiting . . . waiting . . . renewable fuels . . . clean technology . . . for India and China . . . reverse the growth of greenhouse gasses . . . c'mon "switch grass."

9:25 pm. Worker retraining. How many SOTU's have included this? How many auto workers have been retrained since the 1970s?


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